Mobile Automation and Sensing Systems

Refereed Journal Publications

22.E. Odat, J. Shamma and C. Claudel, Vehicle Classification and Speed Estimation Using Combined Passive Infrared/Ultrasonic Sensors", to appear, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017.

21. M. Simoni and C. Claudel, A semi-analytic approach to model signal plans in urban corridors and its application in metaheuristic optimization", to appear, Transportmetrica B, 2017.

20. Y. Li, C. Claudel, B. Piccoli and D. Work, A convex formulation of traffic dynamics on transportation networks", to appear, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2017.

19. A. Dehwah, S. Elmentenaani and C. Claudel, UD-WCMA: An energy estimation and forecast scheme for solar powered wireless sensor networks", Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Elsevier) 90, pp 17-25, 2017.

18. E. Canepa and C. Claudel, Networked traffic state estimation involving mixed fixed-mobile sensor data using Hamilton-Jacobi equations", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2017. DOI:

17. M. Simoni and C. Claudel, A fast simulation algorithm for multiple moving bottlenecks and applications in urban freight traffic management", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 104, pp 238-255, 2017.

16. O. Eldad, E. Lightsey and C. Claudel, Minimum-Time Attitude Control of Deformable Solar Sails with Model Uncertainty", Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics), Vol. 54, No. 4 (2017), pp. 863-870.

15. J. Jiang and C. Claudel, A high performance, low power computational platform for complex sensing operations in smart cities", Hardware X (Elsevier), 2017

14. O. Eldad and C. Claudel, Real-Time Computation of Safe Input Sequences for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, AIAA journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics), 2016. doi/10.2514/1.G000446

13. M. Mousa, X. Zhang and C. Claudel, Flash Flood Detection in Urban Cities Using Ultrasonic and Infrared Sensors", IEEE Sensors 16(19) 7204-7216, 2016

12. A. Dehwah, M. Mousa and C. Claudel, Lessons learned on solar powered wireless sensor network deployments in urban, desert environments", Ad Hoc Networks 28, pp 52-67, May 2015

11. M. Ghommem, V. Calo and C. Claudel, Micro cantilever flow sensor for small aircrafts", SAGE Journal of Vibration and Control 21(10) pp 2043-2058, 2015, doi: 10.1177/1077546313505636

10. M. Farouqui, C. Claudel and A. Shamim, An Inkjet-Printed Buoyant 3-D Lagrangian Sensor for Real-Time Flood Monitoring", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 62(6), pp 3354-3359, 2014

9. Y. Li, E. Canepa, and C. Claudel, Optimal control of scalar conservation laws using Mixed Integer Linear/Quadratic Programming: application to transportation networks", IEEE Transactions on Control of Networked Systems 1(1), pp 28-39, 2014

8. Y. Li, E. Canepa and C. Claudel, Efficient robust control of first order scalar conservation laws using semianalytical solutions", Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series S 7(3) pp 525-542, 2014

7. S. Qiu, M. Abdelaziz, F. Abdellatif and C. Claudel, An exact and grid-free numerical scheme for solving the hybrid Lighthill Whitham Richards bounded acceleration two phase traffic flow model", Transportation Research part B 55(0), pp 282-306, 2013

6. E. Canepa, A. Bayen and C. Claudel, Spoofing Cyber-Attack detection in probe-based traffic monitoring systems using mixed integer linear programming", Networks and Heterogeneous Media 8(13), September 2013

5. C. Claudel, T. Chamoin and A. Bayen, Solutions to estimation problems for scalar Hamilton-Jacobi equations using Linear Programing", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 99(PP) 2013. doi:1109/TCST.2013.2238940

4. P.E. Mazare, A. Dehwah, C. Claudel and A. Bayen, Analytical and grid-free solutions to the Lighthill Whitham Richards traffic flow model" Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 45(10), pp 1727-1748, doi: j.trb.2011.07.004 2011.

3. C. Claudel and A. Bayen, Convex formulations of data assimilation problems for a class of Hamilton-Jacobi equations," SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization 49(2), pp 383-402, 2011. doi: 10.1137/09077875421.

2. C. Claudel and A. Bayen, Lax-Hopf based incorporation of internal boundary conditions into Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Part II: Computational methods," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 55(5), pp 1158-1174, 2010. doi: 10.1109/TAC.2010.2045439

1. C. Claudel and A. Bayen, Lax-Hopf based incorporation of internal boundary conditions into Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Part I: Theory," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 55(5), pp 1142-1157, 2010. doi: 10.1109/TAC.2010.2041976


MASS is broadly focusing on Transportation Engineering and Environmental Monitoring.


Mobile Automation and
Sensing Systems

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301 E Dean Keeton St.
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